Grammarly’s Communication Trend Analysis Sums Up 2020 Fairly Well

Cat Webling
3 min readDec 31, 2020
Via Grammarly.

On December 30, 2020, Grammarly sent its users a newsletter titled “Communication Trends of 2020.” They detailed the results on their blog, but in the original email, similar to users’ usual personal statistic report, Grammarly showed some of the changes in their data that they thought were significant for the year.

An infographic displaying a bar graph to the right of a block of text talking about the use of words by Grammarly users.
Via Grammarly.

They identified that “users paid more attention to the wording and tone they used” by rating 98% higher in the delivery statistic than in previous years, as well as 77% higher in the engagement statistic. This makes sense. Activists were pushing for drastic social change, politicians and casual political discussionists were arguing for the values and benefits of their preferred candidates, there was lots of ardent advocacy for scientifically accurate information about the pandemic. People were more concerned than ever about not only what they were saying but how they were saying it and how people could interact with what they were saying.

There was a 91% drop in the use of formal speech. The move toward a more casual kind of communicating is interesting to me in that I think it mirrors our shift to working remotely; we’re working…



Cat Webling

Hello! I’m Cat, a writer and editor based out of Kansas. I write about literature, theater, gaming, and freelancing. Personal work: